Bethellium #1 :
Bethellium - Preview
by ABlueDeer  
For Preteens · 64 pages ·
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When Master Alchemist Zoana is invited to the secret city of Bethellium under false pretenses, she finds only fear and suspicion. In a world where magic is almost extinct. Why is the secret art of alchemy so feared? What secrets lie hidden in the last magic city of the world?

  • I love how A Blue Deer is able to draw such emotions from a simple look or gesture from his characters. This is a great book. I love it.
  • 3 years
    Since we've officially unlocked the pinup reward stretch goal...perhaps we should award the second shirt now, featuring some pinup art from ABD...?
    • Deleted
    • 3 years
      The first two users who claim the badge code PinupHYPE will win a swag pack featuring an exclusive Pinup style shirt featuring artwork by ABD! (Only available to users who have not yet won an ABD shirt)
    • 3 years
  • 3 years
    Been reading this comic for a while. Great characters, fantastic art and a story that holds on to you. Give it a try
  • 3 years
    Congrats on the successful indigogo!
  • 3 years
    I wonder who will reply to this comment first...and win a Bethellium shirt with some exclusive swag from CryptoComics... ????
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