VOLK #00 :
VOLK - Prototype
by Dirty7  
Comic Promotional
For Mature Readers · 16 pages ·
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Vincent Volk is one of the most dangerous and skilled Ronin contractors there is, however, when his most recent contract goes sideways in the most unexpected way possible, the contractor must improvise and adapt to salvage the situation and hopefully avoid confronting a much more troublesome issue than just a disgruntled client.

  • This comic is intense. I love it! I can't wait for it to go on sale, because I am definitely picking this one up. I checked out the preview and can't get enough. The writing is superb.
    • Dirty7  Creator
      3 years
      THANK YOU!! Our team is super pumped that you enjoyed it! We are actively working hard to finish editing the rest of the issue and can't wait to share the rest of VOLK with this community!
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