Xtreme Champion Tournament #Anthology :
For Mature Readers · 78 pages
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What would you do if you were brought back to life to fight for the worlds entertainment? Would you comply? The Xtreme Champion Tournament or XCT is set in the year 2069, where through secret archaeological digs, the remains of heroes, villains, monsters and creatures, that have long been believed to be myth or legend have been found. These remains have been used to create clones. These clones are caged, retrained and forced to fight in the most brutal sport in the world, the "Xtreme Champion Tournament". Follow the action and adventures of Blackbeard the Pirate, along with Medusa, a pair of Cyclops brothers, the ever-elusive Sasquatch, a young Werewolf and the magical Pegasus within the Xtreme Champion Tournament Universe. Live or die, you will fight!
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Created By: Shaun Keenan    Publisher: COMICS2MOVIES   
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