Suzie #50 :
Published by cryptocomicscouch  
For Preteens · 51 pages
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Cover by Al Fagaly. "Suzie and Angela the Angel," art by Al Fagaly; Suzie's niece, Angela, comes for a visit and gets into all sorts of destructive mischief and mayhem. "Ginger Has Just Met Tommy Turner"; Ginger gets into an ice skating competition with Brenda in order to win the affections of Tommy. "Suzie the Chorus Girl!", art by Al Fagaly; Suzie gets a job as a chorus girl, but the usual destructive mayhem occurs. "Suzie's Movie Diary" text story. Suzie reviews the movie, "It Happened in Springfield"; There are several screen stills/photos from the movie with a short synopsis about key plot points in the movie. "Little Miss Suzie," art by Al Fagaly; Suzie does not have the full adult fare for a train ride back to Riverdale, so she disguises herself as a child to get cheaper fare; Various incidents of destructive mayhem ensue on the train.
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