Suzie #49 :
Published by cryptocomicscouch  
For Preteens · 52 pages
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Cover art by Al Fagaly. Out of This World, art by Al Fagaly; While working for an inventor, Suzie uses a vanishing cream that turns her invisible. Preview of the movie, Thunderhead, Son of Flicka, a sequel to My Friend, Flicka; preview includes 6 photos from the movie. Photos of Linda Darnell, Lyn Bari and Betty Grable. Going to the Dogs, art by Harry Sahle; Suzie is hired to work at a pet shop. Suzie's Diary text story. A Suzie Short Short. Moocher's Dept. Store starring Suzie, art by Al Fagaly. Jest Jokes page by Harry Sahle. Welcome to Hilldale starring Ginger and Dot.
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