y2cl-Daily #5 :
y2cl-Daily #5 - Diary Entries
by y2cl  
For Mature Readers · 27 pages
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Released September 2024. Apparently J Horsley III spent a lot of time using this series as a diary to work through things. Here’s a book full of that kind of stuff. From that ballad of the bad tooth, to cancer, to face melting medication this book as it all! You also get some pretty sweet man ass on one of the pages. How could you pass this one up? Oh, that's right. You can't. y2cl-Daily was an attempt in 2016 to release a hand drawn, inked, lettered and sometimes colored comic strip every day for a full year. They have been broken out into 24 page themed issues for your reading pleasures and released every other month. At the end of each year they are collected into a volume that you can puck up that will contain six whole issues. 
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