Secrets of Love and Marriage #1 :
Secrets of Love and Marriage
Published by cryptocomicscouch  
For Young Adults · 35 pages
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Cover by Vince Alascia. Stories and art by Charles Nicholas, Bill Molno, Rocco "Rocke" Mastroserio and Vince Alascia. Newlyweds find that while love solves some problems, others require negotiation. When Norma and Bill argue over her cooking, it's a sign of trouble, but prayer puts their relationship back on track. Terry offers to introduce handsome Jim to her college girlfriends, but he's more interested in Terry. Larry thinks Viv wants him to stop working so hard for selfish reasons, but she's actually concerned that he's killing himself with stress. The Prayer; The Conqueror; My Marriage; Duncan's Special Contentment; The Search; Six Months to Live; Time of Decision.
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