The Iron King #GN :
The Iron King Spanish Edition
by TidalWave  
For Preteens · 100 pages
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Based off the New York Times best selling novels. The Iron King is the first book in the Iron Fey series, and follows the adventures of a girl named Meghan Chase. On her sixteenth birthday, Meghan discovers her little brother has been kidnapped by a faery race known as "the Fey" and even worse, replaced with an evil changeling and taken into the "Nevernever." Meghan bravely ventures into the faery realm to rescue him, and that's where an epic plot unfolds. IN SPANISH: Basa en el best sellers New York Times. El Rey de Hierro es el primer libro de la serie de Iron Fey, narra las aventuras de una niña llamada Meghan Chase. En su decimosexto cumpleaños, Meghan descubre que su hermano pequeño ha sido secuestrado por una raza hada conocida como "el vidente", y lo que es peor, sustituido por un ser malvado del "Nunca Jamás". Meghan viaja con valentía al reino hada para rescatarlo, y ahí es donde se desarrolla una trama épica.
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