Big 3 #1 :
Big 3
Published by cryptocomicscouch    ·  Full Credits
For Children · 67 pages
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The first in the anthology series featuring Fox's 3 top superheroes: Blue Beetle, the Flame, and Samson. Stories included in this issue: Borgo, the Mirror Murderer Featuring: Blue Beetle, The Inner Crime Ring Featuring: Samson and David, The Jewel Smuggling Murders Featuring: The Flame, The Shylock Menace Featuring: The Flame, Text story The Flying Dutchman Goes Modern, The Ultimatum of Lobar Featuring: Cosmic Carson, and The Submarine City Featuring: Dr. Doom
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Art by: Sam Cooper [as Charles Nicholas], Al Carreno [as Alex Boon], Basil Berold,    Script: Nathaniel Nitkin [as N. N. Nathaniel]    Pencils: Michael Griffith    Pencils: Dick Briefer [as Richard Crater]   
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