Adventures Into the Unknown #1 :
Adventures Into the Unknown
Published by cryptocomicscouch  
For Preteens · 51 pages
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The first in this ongoing horror series. Stories include The Werewolf Strikes, script by Frank Belknap Long, art by Edvard Moritz; They captured a timber wolf, but it was instead a Werewolf! The Living Ghost, script by Frank Belknap Long, art by Fred Guardineer; Malveo, Satan's first lieutenant, lives and is looking for a Queen. The Painted Grave text story. It Walked By Night, art by Max Elkan. The Castle of Otranto--Tell Me A Ghost Story, script by Frank Belknap Long, art by Al Ulmer; adapted from novel by Horace Walpole. The Vengeful Specter of Lord Tyrone--True Ghosts of History, art by Edvard Moritz. Haunted House, art by King Ward.
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