Hellbringers :
Hellpug and Velocicock | Mark May Trade Cover
by Hellbringers  
For Mature Readers · 24 pages
Polygon Network
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Hellpug is on a secret mission from Lilith to find and bring back Lucifer! The usurper, General Torgren, seeks to destroy Lilith's supporters and take her throne. Hellpug helps Lilith escape and that's where both of their missions begin! This is the story of those missions, as told by Lilith's scrappy puppy and his sidekick, Velocicock! They are trying to bring back Lucifer and restore peace to all the realms of Hell! Hellpug travels to Fort Illusion, which is a semi-deserted area situated under the cliffs of the barrier of the Forgotten Forest. While having a drink in the local bar, he finds a Raptor drinking beer and slurring words worse than Stallone at the end of Rocky 2. Hilarity and gun fights ensue! This book might read like a comedy, but it also contains the same dramatic Hellbringers experiences you have become accustomed to.
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