Fame :
by TidalWave  
For Young Adults · 23 pages
Polygon Network
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All the single ladies know that Beyonce is one of the hottest musicians in the world, if not the hottest. From dreaming of singing as a young girl, to her days in Destiny's Child, to her days now as a solo pop superstar, take a look behind the curtain at this stellar musician and person. She might not be a superhero, but judging by all the things she's done, you'd be hard pressed not to think she is. She's amazing, fierce, and always striving to be the best. IN SPANISH: Beyonce soñaba con cantar cuando era tan solo una niña, y ahora es una estrella del pop, echa un vistazo a lo que hay detrás de la cortina de esta estrella e increible mujer. Disfruta de este comic biografia en español.
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