Questions for the CryptoComics Crew: Kevin

by Matthew Russell - Posted 8 months ago

Welcome My CryptoComics Compatriots. I’m returning to the Questions series because another member of the crew finally decided to hook me up with some answers. There are still some more to go through, but eventually they will fill out the questionnaire that I sent them MONTHS AGO!!!

I would like to introduce you to Kevin. This dude is a musical genius and a great guy. Due to the distance, I really only get to see him for the company BBQs so its a rarity that I get actual face-to-face time with the guy. One of these days we will somehow get him on a video to introduce himself properly.

Most of that time is actually spent shooting the s**t and making fun of Frey or joking about how Joe is going to kidnap him so he can be in the same town as him. I have to say, it’s always a laugh when this guy is around. 

So without further ado, lets get to know the Kid Rock lookalike…Kevin! (He's the one in the middle)

If you could have any superpower to help you with your work at CryptoComics, what would it be and how would you use it?

Manipulate Time - So much to do and so little time.

What's the one fictional character that has influenced you the most, and how does it inspire your work at CryptoComics?

Robin Hood - Fighting the larger "consolidation" of wealth, influence and power that can stifle true ambition and creativity. To many gate keepers serving purely profit at the cost of muting unique expression. CryptoComics (aka Everyone’s Comics) is meant to place that power back into the hands of creators and to hopefully remove the gate keepers.

What song best represents your journey in the crypto and comic book world so far?

Fleetwood Mac - Don't Stop

If you could be any fictional character while working at CryptoComics, who would you be and why?

This seems redundant - Robin Hood - I have always had a Robin Hood complex.

Which fictional character do you think most resembles your personality at work and why?

Cat in the Hat - Because I am the one always wearing the hat and my personality by it's nature is somewhat fitting. A little mischief but always underscored with a powerful lesson.

If you could collaborate with any historical figure, living or dead, on a blockchain project, who would it be and what would you create?

Weird Al - We would create hilarity.

Share a moment when you completely geeked out at work. What was it about?
I am honestly not one to geek out. I do recall being pretty hopeful at the possibility of getting any access to Kevin Smith.

What's one behind-the-scenes aspect of working at CryptoComics that would surprise fans?

I think what might surprise them is how much passionate hard work and real financial investment it has taken to create CryptoComics. This is a passion product for us because we know what it means and can mean for any creator.

Imagine having an AI companion inspired by any fictional character. Who would it be, and how would they assist you in your daily tasks or work?

The Flash - Because the boss we be like do this, and I would be like "DONE" 8~)

Imagine creating the ultimate CryptoComics comic book crossover event. Which characters or universes would you bring together and why?

Harley Quinn - Because you always need a little crazy when you are making something new. Rocket - because I would love to hang out with him after work.

On a side note, if he’s really into Harley Quinn, you need to check out Chad Hardin’s work. He made his name on the Harley Quinn book over at DC Comics along with the acclaimed writing team of Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti. This is his latest book, and believe me, it is AMAZING!!!

Death Watch is the tale of a hunter who destroys vampires, werewolves, and demons to keep the people of 19th-century Europe safe from a cult determined to bring suffering and eternal darkness to the world.

How do you imagine a comic convention in the future, where virtual reality, augmented reality, and blockchain technology are fully integrated? What would be the highlights?

A full immersive experience. I imagine myself in the comic when I read them now. With immersion tech, that could become a lot more tangible and fantastic.

What's your go-to snack or beverage while enjoying your favorite book or working on CryptoComics projects?

I am actually not a snacker. Maybe Gummy Bears?

If you ever get some extra time and want a laugh, you need to look on YouTube to find some of the Haribo Sugar-Free Gummy Bears. I’ve posted on just so you can get a taste…get it…taste… sorry. I’ll stop.

If you could organize a panel at a technology based convention (such as CES, or SXSW), what would the topic be, and who would you invite as speakers?

Emerging technologies of VR, Augmented Reality, AI, and Robotics. Would be great to produce a panel of leaders in each of these fields. I believe a cross pollination of these technologies with a coordinated focus, could possibly be our best future realized.

See, told you he was smart. I said something dumb like “I want to have a party!”

How do you envision the future of comics and blockchain technology? Describe it as if it were a convention panel.

Blockchain technology allows us to take a digital asset that has never had any reasonable inherent value and make it in essence a real world tangible asset that can be sold, bought, resold and traded. With the blockchain, all activity of the asset changing hands is permanently associated. 

The value to a creator for example, would be that they sell their comic as a digital asset and because it is on the blockchain, it can be sold again later to another buyer for a higher price if the comic is popular or is rare. 

Through CryptoComics Marketplace there is the ability to ensure each time the comics sales, the creator could be paid a percentage of the resell. Potentially comics are a great medium for providing a resell market that benefits the comic enthusiast and the creators alike.

If you could add any feature to CryptoComics, what would it be and how would it enhance the marketplace?

A greater social element. People sharing their comic book loves is a great way to create an online cultural exchange of passions and ideas. This would be sharing that would benefit comic enthusiast and creators.

What kind of tech invention would you wish to bring to life from any sci-fi movie/tv show/book, and how would it benefit society? Also, what you you change about it to make it even better?

The ability to teleport, both inanimate items and people. You would never be late to work again. Draw backs, it kind of kills the UBER industry. 8~)

If you could step into a virtual reality world based on any form of entertainment, which world would you choose, and what adventure would you embark on?

I do have VR and my favorite form of entertainment was traveling through our Solar System and our Galaxy. I also enjoyed watching Cirque du Soleil because instead of being in the audience viewing the show, you are on the stage with the performers and a 360 degree view. Really awesome!

How do you envision the workspace of the future, considering advances in technology such as augmented reality, AI, and remote collaboration tools? Describe a typical day.

I believe the future will be largely remote work. My hope is as AI and robotics reach their fullest potential, there will be a need for greater and higher education for people. 

Specifically in advancement towards work that progresses us into fields like space explorations and new technology that benefit all of humanity. Augmented Reality and Virtually Reality are both great immersive teaching tools as well as work tools that can provide immediate access and assist with knowledge. The future is bright! You know, as long AI does not make us all slaves.

After blockchain technology and AI, what is the next major step forward in the tech field that could change the world?

Quantum Physics and Mechanics

Beyond its financial applications, how do you envision blockchain technology impacting other aspects of our lives in the future?

One of the most important things we can do in this world is learn to share it. It is actually my hope that we do realize in the long run, that it is not about the money. Money is a means to get from here to there. 

The more sharing is available in all forms, the more integrated we become. We create divides when we become possessive, when we focus on me and mine. Sharing on this new level can allow for greater collaborations so that what was my creation can become greater as our creation. 

Perhaps wishful projection, or perhaps a normal progression that we find birthed from the growing ability to share, contribute and collaborate.