by Matthew Russell - Posted 11 months ago
Welcome my CryptoComics Compatriots. I was recently asked “Who is CryptoComics?” I instructed people to several of the blogs where I introduce people such as the “Who’s Who of Blockchain Technology” where I introduced Joe, or I instructed people to our YouTube account where you can see Frey, Myself, and the enigmatic Jared share the spotlight.
In the end, they people just don't seem to get the fact that we are more than just this small team that you see on camera. We are also more than the sum of our parts too. So I wanted to showcase some of our outstanding team members and give them the limelight a little.
Even though you already know him a little, I wanted to start with Frey for 3 reasons; 1) This guys makes me laugh every time I chat with him, 2) You already know him, so I figured that I would ease you into this series a little with some familiarity, 3) He was the first one to answer my questions.
These questions have been compiled from a few years of our YouTube livestreams (talk about randomness) and finally put together into 1 single questionnaire that I submitted to our very own Justice League (our team).
Here are the crazy results…
What is your position at Crypto Comics and what comic character best showcases your job?
Legion (Marvel), not so much a "bad-guy" but because I pretty much have to have dissociative personality disorder to wear a bunch of hats. Legion's mind harbors numerous personas, each with its own set of skills and knowledge. This is essentially like having a vast team of experts working within his brain simultaneously. I wouldn't say I'm an "expert" so much, but I definitely bounce around many different things.
If you could have any superpower to help you with your work at CryptoComics, what would it be and how would you use it?
Would Moon Knights ability to do more work instead of sleep count?
What's the one comic book that has influenced you the most, and how does it inspire your work at CryptoComics?
Out of Order by Seol Young Lee and Mike Ahn. This was the first comic I had read AFTER speaking with the creator and finding out how directly influenced the story and art were, to their real life. This was the point in which I realized that we could really help creators change the outlook others have toward indie comics as being a medium for delivering a compelling and important message.
What song best represents your journey in the crypto and comic book world so far?
"Sell Out" by Reel Big Fish - This satirical song takes a more critical look at the pressures to compromise artistic integrity for success, which we see every day as a struggle for the creators we are so blessed to work with.
If you could be any comic book superhero while working at CryptoComics, who would you be and why?
Iron Man...he can just invent stuff without any type of realistic time-lines lol.
Which comic book character do you think most resembles your personality at work and why?
Two part answer here: For live streaming/events/etc. It's the Hulk (old school version). Behind the scenes, Incredible Hulk. haha
If you could collaborate with any comic artist or writer, living or dead, on a blockchain project, who would it be and what would you create?
Frank Miller. I'd want to try my hand at building a cohesive universe based in Sin City where any fan could create dynamic characters and as each character is used in other stories, each character would carry direct compensation to their respective creators.
Share a moment when you completely geeked out at work. What was it about?
When first meeting Chad Hardin, I had his H-Q artwork as a desktop background on the laptop I had in hand at the time. He caught it and I got embarrassed.
What's one behind-the-scenes aspect of working at CryptoComics that would surprise fans?
That 100% of the technology is built from scratch, DIRECTLY from the feedback and needs of the community. Any bit of feedback we've ever gotten has been fuel for the system.
Imagine having an AI companion inspired by any comic book character. Who would it be, and how would they assist you in your daily tasks or work?
I know that everyone else is going to say Jarvis. That's not fun.
I'd want the Hindu goddess of death from The Many Deaths of Laila Starr.
Here is why, she's told humanity is about to invent immortality, rendering her services void. Sent to Earth in the body of a mortal, Laila Starr, she takes it upon herself to stop the creator of immortality from rendering her obsolete. Which to me REALLY mirrors the current idea of AI replacing creative humans.
Imagine creating the ultimate CryptoComics comic book crossover event. Which characters or universes would you bring together and why?
Corn Dog and Temerity. Because I just want to see Corn Dog and Temerity more.
How do you imagine a comic convention in the future, where virtual reality, augmented reality, and blockchain technology are fully integrated? What would be the highlights?
I think there will be a resurfacing of "old school" conventions, where it's a small venue of creators. To me, conventions will always be an "in-person" element that cannot be replicated by technology. If anything, I see tech as being a tool that can be used to better facilitate a global reach for creators.
What's your go-to snack or beverage while enjoying your favorite comic or working on CryptoComics projects?
Capri Suns and dry "Monster Cereal" because my health is clearly less important to me then my desires that mimic an 8 year old.
If you could organize a panel at a comic convention, what would the topic be, and who would you invite as speakers?
A creator named Bazil from Africa, talking about literally anything he wants to talk about.
How do you envision the future of comics and blockchain technology? Describe it as if it were a comic panel.
A cluttered, tech-filled apartment living room. A large flatscreen TV dominates the background, displaying a vibrant NFT marketplace interface.
Carly: Trendy, mid-20s woman with brightly dyed hair. She's leaning slightly forward, excitedly pointing at the TV.
Raj: Bearded, bespectacled dude in his 30s, sprawled on the couch. He stares intently at his laptop, mirroring the NFT display.
Xiomara: Cool and collected, sits cross-legged on the floor, engrossed in her tablet. A faint, self-satisfied smirk plays on her lips.
Check THIS out! Snagged the newest limited-edition Musicmaker! Look at those eyes!
RAJ: (without looking up):
Pfft, amateur hour. I'm up three MATIC on my Dreamkeepers Vol 5 since yesterday.
XIOMARA: (softly, almost to herself):
You guys and your collectibles… I'm playing the long game. Just minted a whole plot of virtual land in Gotham City…
Visual Notes:
Exaggerate the characters' expressions for comedic effect.
Scatter empty takeout containers and energy drink cans around, suggesting an all-nighter feel.
Include subtle details hinting at each character's personality (band posters for Carly, a stack of coding books by Raj, a high-end VR headset near Xiomara, etc.)
If you could add any feature to CryptoComics, what would it be and how would it enhance the marketplace?
Collection Purchasing...I'd love to replicate the excitement of buying a long box from another collector.
What kind of tech invention would you wish to bring to life from any comic, and how would it benefit society?
Howard the Duck once had his own Iron Man Suit. Soooo....
If you could step into a virtual reality world based on any comic book, which world would you choose, and what adventure would you embark on?
Archie Comics Universe. If you look back, that whole place was a heaven for nerdy kids.
How do you envision the workspace of the future, considering advances in technology such as augmented reality, AI, and remote collaboration tools? Describe a typical day.
A laptop in a public library. I'm arguably the biggest "new-tech-nerd" here at CC but nothing replaces the environmental nostalgia of just being in a quiet library surrounded by the smells and feeling of thousands of books.
After blockchain technology and AI, what is the next major step forward in the tech field that could change the world?
Gene Editing: Advancements like CRISPR could allow us to treat a wide range of genetic diseases and potentially enhance human capabilities, raising significant ethical concerns but also entirely offsetting many diseases.
Beyond its financial applications, how do you envision blockchain technology impacting other aspects of our lives in the future?
Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography:
Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Blockchain can facilitate privacy-preserving transactions using techniques like zero-knowledge proofs. This allows verification of information without revealing the underlying data itself.