by Matthew Russell - Posted 5 years ago
As the years go by, technology has seen an immense amount of change. Computers have become more powerful, more versatile, and they have been implemented in nearly every aspect of modern life. However, even as technology has progressed, modern developers still pay their respects to their predecessors.
Kazuhisa Hashimoto was one of the most widely respected developers to ever make a game. Because of him, we have what is called the Konami Code. Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start. (? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B A)
This code has seen a tremendous amount of use and is the single most famous sequence of button mashing in videogame history. From the beginning, when Gradius was released in 1986, to our modern-day, this code is still seen regularly, nearly 40 years after its creation.
Kazuhisa made a tremendous impact on the videogame industry, making extremely difficult games like Contra seem beatable through his code.
However, he also has had several smaller appearances throughout other programs, such as ESPN’s website in 2009, where ponies and unicorns would explode onto the page when the code was put in, or in the Black Hole event in the popular game FortNite, where users could play a Galaga-style game by putting in this code.
Kazuhisa may be gone, but his legacy will live on in the minds of gamers and game developers alike. His code will continue to live on and will carry his memory through the ages.
I wonder where else that Konami Code Easter egg might work!?!