Keep Your Friends Close and Your Comic Books Closer: A Cautionary Tale

by Jared Brague - Posted 5 years ago

I recently learned about a new feature available in the Marketplace. How I discovered that feature is kind of an interesting story…

Our lead developer David (known around the office as Super Dave, no relation to Super Dave Osborne) listed his prized #1 of DreamKeepers Awakenings by Vivid Publishing for testing purposes several months ago.

(I am so pissed I did not see it. I was the one who first met David Lillie so I still feel like I deserve #1, but I ended up with #10. Good thing we are currently just testing. I will settle for a #2 - #9 as long as I am in the single digits)

Knowing full well he would never willingly sell the #1 issue of Awakenings, Super Dave reported what he thought was a glitch. His highly coveted Dreamkeepers Awakenings #1 by David Lillie was GONE! 

Missing: DreamKeepers Awakenings Humor

STOP THE PRESS, roll out the Calvary, we have reached DEFCON 1!

He announced to the team that we might have a BUG. Only a bug could explain the missing comic. Now I don't mean to brag, but my middle name is BugMagnet (and my username, actually), so naturally I was like, dry your eye Super Dave, that bug is as good as dead! Especially since it caused the loss of a #1 issue, but this is not just any issue.  

This particular book is very important to Super Dave and myself because of how it helped the marketplace improve. Back in the beginning when we first started to refine and improve the publisher and reader, Awakenings was the book that put our platform through its paces.
It is a very well crafted story with high quality artistry, and it is like almost 100 pages. It was just what our lead developer needed at the time to test and refine our crucial creator and fan-focused feature sets. Thank you, Vivid Publishing.

Through an intense investigation he was able to piece together what had transpired. Turns out it wasn’t a bug in the software, just an avid fan and forgetful developer

Recently David Lillie invited us onto his pod cast, and to thank him, we set him up with an invite link so he could invite a bunch of fans into the marketplace to participate during our early beta testing phase. 

One of these newbs (I have no idea which one) noticed the coveted #1 still listed. Super Dave had listed the comic for resale in the Marketplace as a test, if you’ll recall, and had never unlisted it. The savvy new member quickly test-purchased it off the marketplace, at a bargain price I might add, and set it to private (nicely done!) which made it impossible for anyone to see who owned it. 

Private?! I didn’t even know that was possible, until Super Dave explained that this feature was available, and had just been discovered and used by a collector. An excellently executed maneuver, we all thought. Except for Super Dave, who is still bemoaning the loss of Issue #1.

The rest of our team, though, was highly entertained by the excitement. As more users join and the platform comes alive, we’re looking forward to more exciting moments like these as other users are buying and selling coveted collectible digital comics. 

We’re still just in test phase, and already the competition for getting those first coveted issues is heating up. Request an invite now to start discovering new Creators and connecting with ones you already love. That way, when we move from testing to real purchases, you’ll be ready to grab those first issues of the comics you love. Before your friends do. 

Thanks to everyone in the system, uploading their comics, reading comics, and inviting others to join our community. And to the new owner of Awakenings Issue 1 – you’ve won this time. 

To be continued

How the Privacy Setting Works

You can choose to purchase a comic privately. This will keep your purchase from showing up in the activity feed, and will also show that your issue is held by a private owner.

CryptoComics Privacy Setting Feature

You can make your ownership public at any time by selecting Make Ownership Public.

CryptoComics Privacy Setting 2

You can also list your issue for sale in private mode. It will appear in the marketplace as “Private Seller”. 

CryptoComics Privacy Setting 3

Our main goal as a company is to encourage our comic enthusiasts to enjoy comics of all kinds, and to avoid censorship or judgement. 

If you purchase a comic that you won’t want others to know you own, just set it to private. Then all those guilty pleasures can remain your little secret. Or you can set your ownership to private to keep sore losers from begging you to sell your coveted first issue… 

Whatever the reason, you have a right to privacy. Feel free to exercise that right on

See you on the inside!