New Features and Updates

by Lindsey Winsemius - Posted 5 years ago

Feature Update

As I've mentioned before, the CryptoComics platform is under constant heavy development. Some things you'll notice right away, like updates to the dashboard or new features in your profile. Other things might not be as visible, like adjusting the reader display and mobile responsiveness (usually you only notice those things if they DON'T work properly). We've also been really focusing on the transaction system to get that ready for live transactions.

For anyone who ISN'T currently a member, allow me to explain: We are currently in private beta launch. What that means is we have invited mostly creators into the system to upload their comics and test things exhaustively. They are encouraged to share their experiences of the entire publishing process, and select users (such as our team or fans invited exclusively by our Creators) are able to "purchase" and read the comics books for free.

At the end of this testing period, all comic books "purchased" will revert back to the original creators. Then it is game on, because I already know of several people I'll need to compete with to grab those coveted first issues!

I wanted to bring a few new things to your attention, in case you've missed our email communications:

Invite System is Now Available

You can now invite others directly from your dashboard! 

Why invite others?

After this testing period, all comic will revert back to the original creators, but reviews will remain. Also, anyone you've invited will also be part of your Referral Circle, helping to earn you ComicBucks. I'll tell you more soon about our ComicBucks Referral Program, where you can earn rewards from the people you invite (and from the people they invite). But I'm getting ahead of myself here. The important thing is to keep sending out those invites.

How do you send out invites?

Log into your Orbiter. 

Click on the Invite Friends Tab. You can choose to send an email immediately from the system, activate a code to send directly (messaging, social media, etc.) or view the list to see what emails have been claimed, and send from there.

Need more invites? You can always request more invites in the invite tab

Where to Send and Request Invites

Dashboard Update

We are constantly making updates. You may notice the dashboard looks a little different today than it did when I grabbed that screenshot of the invite tab. Be sure to let us know what you think!

Current early users are playing an important part in shaping this system to be exactly what Creators and Fans want. If you want to be part of the private early testing phase, request an invite. You'll get exclusive early access, and be a crucial part of the CryptoComics movement.