New Year's Resolution 2020

by Matthew Russell - Posted 5 years ago

As we usher in a new year, I wanted to get with my Vigilantes and let them in on some “behind-the-scenes” stuff here at CryptoComics Marketplace. 

 We are always trying to give you the best experience and our New Year's Resolution is to keep doing just that. We have had a lot of feedback from fans, creators, crypto-enthusiasts, and the rest of the general public. When we get a new comment or suggestion there is a process that immediately springs into place. 

First, we try to figure out if it is a bug or UX (User Experience, personally I think it should have been called UE but that wasn’t my call) problem.

The Big Ugly Bug

Once we have determined what it is, we hit the drawing boards. If it is a bug, it is all hands on deck. Stupid pesky bugs! The last thing we want is an infestation. Our developers are top notch and when they see a bug, it gets ugly. Their hatred for bugs is a great thing. 

Every time I mentioned something as bug-like, I get bombarded with messages from the developers trying to replicate it, trying to see how it came about, and trying to see if I screwed up their code somehow (it happens). That being said, if you see a bug, report it. Our exterminators are all hands on deck. 

Click here to report one!

The UX Challenge

If it is a UX issue, it goes to another group. Our designers will look at it and take it as a personal challenge. One of the problems that we face is the fact that we are here in the trenches all day every day. We start to see things through the developer’s eyes. 

As we watch our baby grow up and mature, we might do things a certain way that someone else might not. For us, getting to point “C”, we start at A, go to B, then finish at C. Another user might think, “Why can’t I just go from A to C? Holy Crap, we hadn’t thought of that, so we have to hit the drawing board to make that happen. We meticulously take it all as a challenge, and we ARE up for it! 

 Some suggestions have been so out there that we had to say “Not today”. Someone asked me if we could make all our comics “Augmented Reality?” As much as I would love to be fully submerged in a comic, that is a project for another day.

Our Parties

As we continue to try to bring you our “A” game, it is time to let our hair down and take the night off. While you are out there, remember to drink responsibly, get a designated driver or Uber, and have a good time. We will be back long before the hangover goes away. So when you see us on the first, please don’t shout.